Thursday, December 30, 2010

Making Money Internet

I wanted to learn how to breakdance so I paid some kid $15 to teach me out of my hard-earned newspaper route money. I saw him in the street, spinning on a piece of linoleum. He had three friends with him, all of them were good at their own particular style of breakdancing. One kid was good doing the backspins, windmills, and headspins. Another kid was good at doing all the above floor stuff: like popping, etc. Another kid was good at waving. Like his body was made out of rubber.  I had lost a contact lens and was afraid to tell my parents they needed to spring for a new pair. So for the entire summer, way back in the mid 80s, I practiced breakdancing every day and I could only see out of one eye. Maybe the best summer of my life. Certainly the most embarrassing when I now think back on it.

In every spare moment I either hung out with my new friends, having no issues abandoning my other friends who weren’t cool enough to understand the finer subtleties of the windmill, or I practiced in front of a mirror. Its even embarrassing writing these words down.

Of course, like in all my remembrances, I thought that by learning how to spin on my back and do other random contortions with my body I would , of course, meet girls in clubs. I had gotten rid of my glasses and braces a year earlier so now I was ready. I was the new me. That’s what the braces were for, right? Now my teeth were straight and shiny. Good for kissing. But it didn’t happen because I still had “me” to deal with. The me that couldn’t talk to anyone or was too shy to ask anyone for their number.

Much later, when I applied to colleges I never mentioned this little episode in my life.  I focused on things like “chess” and my stupendous performance as a “mathlete”.

But its all related to making money. I wanted to make money for the same reason I wanted to breakdance: because of lack of self confidence I felt I needed a crutch of sorts to increase my attractiveness to women.  My insecurity was so high that only by being the best at something could I muster the confidence to say, “this is me, this is what I do.”  If I wanted to pursue ANYTHING (and it has to be something I’m passionate about or it won’t work), I had to apply the following principles. Who knows if I ever really got good at anything, or mastered anything worth telling people about. But at the very least, I applied the principles below and got good at a few things. Good enough to make some money, good enough to have fun, good enough to have some interesting experiences along the way.

A)     Teacher: Get a teacher/mentor. I’ve done this with everything from chess, to stockpicking, hedge funds, entrepeneurship, etc. You absolutely need a teacher in anything you do to help you quickly jump over the basic mistakes.

B)      Read. Read everything you can. I have over 200 books about chess. I’ve read over 2-300 books on investing. In the early stages of the Internet I read every book that Tim O’Reilly ever published.  I learned every programming language, everything about networking and security, everything about design. I read everything I could on entrepeneurship. I read so many books about Warren Buffett I wrote my own book about Warren Buffett (“Trade Like Warren Buffett” (2005) ) 200 books on a topic seem to be about the right number. You need to also study the present. Every day new things are developing in your field. You need to know all of them. If you are a lawyer, you need to follow every case. If you’re a doctor, every new breakthrough technology. If you are an Internet entrepreneur, every new twist on website development, on business model innovations, on the new businesses being started every day, etc.

C)      History. You need to know the history of what you are doing. When Bobby Fischer was about 14 years old, after already proving he was a talented chess prodigy, he disappeared for about a year and studied every game played in the 1800s. By the time he reappeared he had developed some critical innovations to games played a hundred years earlier and handily won the US Championship, the youngest champion ever. In investing there are tons of books written in the 60s, 70s (Adam Smith’s “Supermoney” is a great example) and even in the early part of the century (Baruch’s autobiography, anything by LeFevre). I would study all of the so-called bubbles (I do not believe there ever was a tulip bubble or South Sea Bubble, for instance). Get software to model the markets so you can see the subtleties in the data over the past 100 years. It’s the only way to understand what is happening now.

D)     Fail. Study your mistakes. Repeatedly. You can’t improve by only studying your wins. In poker, you have to analyze every hand you lost and why. In chess, you have to run your losses thorugh the computer, through your teacher, you have to spend hours studying the games and looking for your weaknesses: the weaknesses in your knowledge and the weaknesses in your psychology, which are part of every loss. Ditto for investing. You’ll always have losses. But the second you blame it on “bad luck” then you’ve gone from having a loss to becoming a loser. You don’t want to be a loser.  Same goes for relationships. When it doesn’t work out, its just as much your fault as the other persons. Where did you go wrong? How can you be better?  There’s a corollary to this, which is that in order to succeed, you have to fail at many things (not always, but most likely). You will probably fail dozens of times. There’s countless examples in history (Edison, Einstein, Lincoln).

E)      Ideas. Generate new ideas. When you work at a company, its not enough that you be a good employee of that company (i.e. you do everything well that your boss asks you to do). You must actually BECOME the company. You need to act as if you are the force that brings that company to life. And every company, just like every endeavor you embark on, needs new ideas. Once you inject your own life force into an endeavor, then you inevitably will bring to it new ideas. You’ll develop new chess openings that match your style. You’ll discover a new risk arbitrage technique that matches the type of risk profile you’re comfortable with. You’ll bring a company or academic discipline into a new direction that nobody’s ever thought of before. You’ll start a new company where everyone says, “gosh, that was so easy. Why didn’t I think of it?”  But in order to do that you have to first do all of the techniques above, then do everything you can to develop the idea muscle. Every day, making a list of ten to twenty new ideas in your chosen field.

F)      Do. You need to not just “read” and “study” but “do”. If you want to write a screenplay, every day you need to write. If you want to be an entrepreneur, you must start write away thinking of services or products you can provide and sell people. If you want to invest, open an account and start buying stocks. Nobody is going to do it for you.

G)     How long does it take? You need to be patient. I think to properly follow the steps outlined above its at least a three to five year process. Three years before you can say, “I understand this field”, five years before you can say “I can make a living doing this”, and eight years before you can say, “I’m one of the best in the world at this.” Its ok not to be the best in the world at something. But if you want to make a difference you need to put in the time, whether its art, internet, sports, etc.

Finally, you need to maintain. Everything I’ve ever done, I still keep track of and stay in at least “maintenance” mode.  I’m not saying I’ve mastered anything. And I haven’t created billions in value. But if you threw out a piece on linoleum and wanted me to spin on my back, I can probably still do that, although when I do it in front of my kids they laugh at me.

p.s. My current favorite breakdancing video:

...hopelessly outgunned presidential campaign as if it was a business, not even spending more money than he had in hand. C'mon now, how laughable is that in this day and age in modern America that someone who wants to run the federal government should live within his own campaign means? Just like normal people who live on a real budget with no ability to vote themselves a pay raise and a higher debt ceiling when no one is watching C-SPAN!

When the ultimate Democratic winner, in league with the extraordinary gentleman Harry Reid and the tough-talking San Francisco grandma who's House speaker, has decided to spend a gazillion more dollars than any non-federal calculator has digits to display.

These people, for Nancy's sake, are already spending the income taxes of the unborn grandchildren of those 4,000 babies that Paul delivered. A shocking realization that may be helping to fuel the recent re-examination of Ron Paul, who never met a federal dollar that needed spending -- unless it was going back to his district near Houston.

Ron Paul came within something like 1,000 delegates of catching John McCain for the Republican nomination in St. Paul. But when he finally gave up, Paul still had about $5 million left over. He's been investing it traveling around the country to speak and helping like-minded RFR's (Republicans For Real) organize all over. And, who knows, maybe sell a few books.

But now, just as his fierce supporters fearlessly predicted all along, many in American politics are coming around to think that maybe RP's crazy ideas, for example, of auditing and controlling the Federal Reserve, are maybe not quite so crazy.

Our news colleague in Washington, Don Lee, details the sea-change in opinion in a comprehensive look at the old guy's rebirth for weekend print editions, which we're sharing here this morning as a distinguished guest post for Ticket readers around the world.

And for any surviving Ron Paulites, who won't dare leave their typically snippy comments below because that would require them acknowledging that their favorite fiction about a MSM conspiracy to ignore the old guy is fiction.

-- Andrew Malcolm

Because no federal funds are involved, Ron Paul would want you to click here for Twitter alerts of each new Ticket item. Or follow us @latimestot. Or join us over here on The Ticket's new Facebook FAN page.

Here's Lee's reported news item:

For three decades, Texas congressman and former presidential candidate Ron Paul's extreme brand of libertarian economics consigned him to the far fringes even among conservatives. Not a few times, his views put him on the losing end of 434-1 votes on Capitol Hill.

No longer. With the economy still struggling and political divisions deepening, Paul's ideas not only are gaining a wider audience but also are helping to shape a potentially historic battle over economic policy -- a struggle that will affect everything including jobs, growth and the nation's place in the global economy.

Already, Paul's long-derided proposal to give Congress supervisory power over the traditionally independent Federal Reserve appears to be on its way to becoming law.

His warnings on deficits and inflation are now Republican mantras.

And with this year's congressional election campaign looming, the Texas congressman's deep-seated distrust of activist government has helped fuel protests such as the tea-party movement, harden partisan divisions in Washington and stoke public fears about federal spending and the deficit.

"People are wondering what went wrong. And they're not happy with what the....

....government is offering up," said James Grant, editor of Grant's Interest Rate Observer, offering an explanation for why seemingly wonkish arguments over interest rate policy and the money supply are spilling over onto ordinary Americans.

Some of Paul's most extreme views are still beyond the pale for most economists. Despite the eroding value of the dollar, no one expects the U.S. to return to the gold standard, as Paul advocates; most economists think that could wreck the economy.

In their less drastic forms, however, Paul's ideas are being welcomed by conservatives and viewed with foreboding by liberals. For conservatives, runaway inflation constitutes the biggest potential threat to the nation's future. Liberals worry that cutting back stimulus efforts too soon could slow or even halt the current recovery.

The debate over that question -- what the basic thrust of U.S. economic policy should be -- is likely to dominate the coming elections and Washington policymaking.

And so far, Paul and his fellow conservatives are on the offensive. President Obama and congressional Democrats are repeatedly pledging not to increase the deficit and to begin cutting back soon.

"I think we're going to be in for more revival of fiscal responsibility," said William Niskanen of the Cato Institute, who headed the Council of Economic Advisors under President Reagan.

Niskanen sees the Texas Republican's increasing influence as stemming from the continued economic weakness. "To this extent, Ron Paul gains voice," he said.

Paul would go a lot further in cutting back the government's role than even free-marketers like Niskanen support. If Paul had it his way, for instance, he would do away with the Fed entirely. In his bestselling book "End the Fed," he lambasted the central bank as an "immoral, unconstitutional . . . tool of tyrannical government."

Such rhetoric might once have been dismissed as extremism.

But Paul's anti-Fed message has drawn broad support because of the central bank's failure to restrain the flood of cheap money and excessive risk-taking in the years leading up to the financial crisis.

It has stirred rallies on college campuses and supportive commentaries from Wall Street pundits. More than 300 representatives in Congress have embraced Paul's ideas for reining in the Fed.

The response "is even more than I ever dreamed," Paul said in an interview, reminiscing about one evening during his 2008 White House run when University of Michigan students chanted "End the Fed" and burned dollar bills.

Paul, a skinny 74-year-old with a hangdog expression, understands that historical circumstances have thrust his ideas to the fore. "An intellectual fight is going on," he said.

Paul traces his economic views to his frugal upbringing in Pittsburgh at the tail end of the Depression. He saved pennies from delivering newspapers and helping out his father's small dairy business.

And his first economics class at Gettysburg College was an eye-opener, Paul said. When a professor explained how banks keep only a tiny part of their deposits on hand and earn money by lending out the rest, Paul discovered one of the "tricks" of the financial system.

Beyond that, Paul's ideas are grounded in the work of economic thinkers from an earlier era who focused on problems similar to those besetting the U.S. today.

In particular, Paul is a disciple of Ludwig von Mises, an Austrian theorist born at the end of the 19th century who contended that government intervention in an economy would fail because free markets were better at allocating resources and fueling growth.

Having lived through Germany's devastating hyperinflation in the early 1920s, which helped pave the way for Hitler, Mises wrote long before the Great Depression that over-generous credit policies would encourage excessive borrowing, creating a boom and then a bust.

Mises' ideas became central to what is known as the Austrian School of economics, which emphasized tight controls on credit and money supply, a strategy that discouraged financial ups and downs but tended to slow growth.

By 1940, when Mises arrived in America, most Western economists had embraced the competing theories of Britain's John Maynard Keynes, who called for government to stimulate the economy by spending on infrastructure and cutting interest rates.

Obama has largely followed the Keynesian script, as President George W. Bush did when the economic crisis broke.

Paul's once-lonely espousal of the Austrian School's ideas has gotten new impetus from conservative economists and Republican political strategists.

"A lot of good ideas were shoved aside because of the Depression and the rise of the Keynesian view of the world," said George Selgin, an economics professor at the University of Georgia.

Paul contends that Austrian economics explains the most recent financial meltdown: "It says if you inflate too much, if you have no restraint on monetary authorities, you're going to bring on a crisis." Now, Paul says, administration policies are leading the country toward disaster.

Selgin and many mainstream economists agree that pumping too much money into the economy can lead to trouble, but they say Paul goes too far.

In the 1930s, say Selgin and many other economists, including Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, the U.S. economy began pulling out of the Depression thanks to federal easing of monetary policy.

The economy tipped back into depression after the reins were tightened too soon.

"In this aspect of the monetary system, he's just blown it," Selgin said of Paul.

However, like Mises, whose portrait hangs on his Washington office wall, Paul is intransigent, and that has earned him an ardent following.

"His views are strong and hardheaded, but you've got to stand firm or you'll get blown over in this world," said Mark Skousen, editor of the newsletter Forecasts & Strategies and a former economics professor at Columbia University.

-- Don Lee

Photo: Larry Downing / Reuters; Orlin Wagner / Associated Press; Associated Press (Paul argues with Mike Huckabee in a GOP primary debate).


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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Making Money Advertising

For years, the conventional wisdom in Silicon Valley was that social networks were expensive to run, and didn’t make much money. So as Facebook grew by hundreds of millions of users over the past few years, many people wondered if it was in financial trouble.

Revenue, however, appears to have doubled every year since 2007. And at this point it appears to be increasing even more sharply.

Based on what we and others have heard, we’ve tracked Facebook making $150 million in 2007, slightly less than $300 million in 2008, and somewhere up to $800 million in 2009. A number of reports have suggested that it will make $2 billion or more this year, and we have also heard the same estimates in recent months — up significantly from the $1.1 billion number that the company  loosely confirmed earlier this year.

How? Through growth in brand and performance advertising — payoff from years of investment — with revenue from its Credits virtual currency only starting to kick in.

But, aside from bits of information provided by sources close to Facebook, there is very little information available about how the latest revenue numbers actually break down. So here’s a closer look at what we think is going on.

Some high-level points, before we get started. Facebook’s user base has boomed from around 375 million at the beginning of the year to somewhere around 575 million today, with growth happening across the world, in all types of advertising markets (see our Inside Facebook Gold report for more details on Facebook’s worldwide traffic). Engagement is also massive: Facebook says that more than 50% of users visit the site every day.

Facebook’s product development has focused on continuing to increase engagement and gathering more user data — factors that help it target advertising more accurately to more people more often. And although we’re focusing on revenue here, we should also note that Facebook has made significant hardware and software investments to reduce infrastructure costs, helping it to become profitable as of late 2009.

Performance advertising

Zynga and other social gaming companies began utilizing Facebook’s self-serve advertising system in order to reach more users over the course of 2008 and 2009. Along with a smattering of online performance marketers, and a few early adopter small businesses and major brands, the developers provided significant boosts to Facebook revenue in past years.

That trend has continued, with local advertisers, social game developers and group buying sites like  Groupon reportedly making massive investments. Advertisers have reported prices steadily rising as more of them figure out how to achieve their desired returns on investment. As of this past fall, the average cost-per click in Facebook’s largest market, the United States, is around one dollar. For developers interested in learning more, we’ll be examining how advertising is working for Facebook and developers at our Inside Social Apps conference in late January.

Facebook has been making a significant new effort to help performance advertisers spend more money. It introduced an advertising API last year that allows third-party service providers to place thousands of automated, highly targeted ads on behalf of clients. While that program has rolled out slowly, big search marketing businesses like Omniture have moved in to offer services to clients, and a dynamic ecosystem of startups are competing for clients as well.

Facebook also ended most parts of its original advertising deal with Microsoft, where that company ran banner ads on the site and split the revenue — the relationship is now more product-focused, on things like social features for the Bing search engine.

In addition to more users, more engagement, more advertisers, and the new options available through the API, that switch helped make even more inventory available to sell against.

Brand Advertising

Facebook has been trying to pitch Madison Avenue on the benefits of its advertising services for years, and all those efforts appear to be paying off now. Most major brands at least have a Facebook Page today, and dozens have created more sophisticated applications, Facebook integrations on other sites, and other campaigns designed to engage with users.

While Pages are free, Facebook upsells owners into its performance and brand advertising services. The home page ads are only available to companies that spend $50,000 or more, and include a variety of engagement-focused options, such as the ability to Like a Page or RSVP to an Event with a single click.

The company has also aggressively stepped up its sales efforts to large brands, building out its staff in New York City and many other offices around the world, and hiring a series of veteran salespeople away from other technology and media companies.

While there’s little information available about the amount of revenue now coming from large advertisers, anecdotal evidence suggests it is booming. For example, a number of Page management companies, like Buddy Media, are saying that they’re seeing significant new interest.


While still in its early stages, Credits will likely form another key revenue driver for Facebook in the future. This past year, the company made it clear to developers that Credits would be the only payment option for virtual goods in canvas applications. While many companies have not fully integrated Credits yet, expect them to in 2011. Also look for Facebook to expand Credits to the web and mobile devices — something that many have speculated about, but has not yet happened. If Credits proves to be a big success in 2011, we expect Facebook to quickly expand it beyond the home site.

One of the movies which immediately caught my eye when looking at the line-up for the 2011 Sundance Film Festival is Morgan Spurlock‘s new documentary The Greatest Movie Ever Sold. Spurlock shot to fame at the 2004 festival with his feature doc Super Size Me, and has since produced two seasons of the underrated reality cable series 30 Days. His feature follow-up Where in the World Is Osama Bin Laden? was met with mixed response. The Greatest Movie Ever Sold is his third theatrical feature film (not counting the segment he directed for the Freakanomics movie).

The initial announcement described the movie as “A documentary about branding, advertising and product placement is financed and made possible by branding, advertising and product placement.” Sounds like an interesting, if not gimmicky, concept. Hit the jump to see the first image from the film.

Sundance’s longer description of the film follows:

Acclaimed filmmaker and master provocateur Morgan Spurlock (Super Size Me) returns to the Sundance Film Festival with tongue-in-cheek perfection as he examines the world of product placement, marketing, and advertising by making a film financed entirely by product placement, marketing, and advertising. We live in an age where it’s tough even to walk down the street without someone trying to sell you something. It’s at the point where practically the entire American experience is brought to us by some corporation. Utilizing cutting-edge tools of comic exploration and total self-exploitation, Spurlock dissects the world of advertising and marketing by using his personal integrity as currency to sell out to the highest bidder. Scathingly funny, subversive, and deceptively smart, The Greatest Movie Ever Sold shines the definitive light on our branded future as Spurlock attempts to create the “Iron Man of documentaries,” the first ever “docbuster”! He may very well have succeeded.

Spurlock says that he has “funded this entire film with money from some pretty straight-laced companies, and the end result will surely make you laugh all the way to therapy.” The plan is to release the movie in Spring of 2011.

via: Gordon and the Whale

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Fair &amp; Balanced? Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Big Year (VIDEOS) | TPM LiveWire

From lecturing President Barack Obama on racial sensitivity to inflating threats of terror, Fox News offered more than a few journalistic lessons this year. Fox's ratings continued to top the other major cable networks, while its news ...

Fox <b>News</b> - Ratings - 2010 | MSNBC - CNN | Mediaite

Fox News will mark 2010 as one of the best years since the network's launch in 1996. The network posted powerful ratings, beating the combined ratings of CNN and MSNBC and marking the ninth straight year as cable's top news network.

&#39;Green River Killer&#39; Could Face New Murder Charge - AOL <b>News</b>

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Fair &amp; Balanced? Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Big Year (VIDEOS) | TPM LiveWire

From lecturing President Barack Obama on racial sensitivity to inflating threats of terror, Fox News offered more than a few journalistic lessons this year. Fox's ratings continued to top the other major cable networks, while its news ...

Fox <b>News</b> - Ratings - 2010 | MSNBC - CNN | Mediaite

Fox News will mark 2010 as one of the best years since the network's launch in 1996. The network posted powerful ratings, beating the combined ratings of CNN and MSNBC and marking the ninth straight year as cable's top news network.

&#39;Green River Killer&#39; Could Face New Murder Charge - AOL <b>News</b>

Related Searches: top 10 serial killers, green river murders, gary ridgeway, rebecca marrero 1982, capital punishment, the green river killer, green river cc auburn wa, crime news, crime reports, ...

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Fair &amp; Balanced? Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Big Year (VIDEOS) | TPM LiveWire

From lecturing President Barack Obama on racial sensitivity to inflating threats of terror, Fox News offered more than a few journalistic lessons this year. Fox's ratings continued to top the other major cable networks, while its news ...

Fox <b>News</b> - Ratings - 2010 | MSNBC - CNN | Mediaite

Fox News will mark 2010 as one of the best years since the network's launch in 1996. The network posted powerful ratings, beating the combined ratings of CNN and MSNBC and marking the ninth straight year as cable's top news network.

&#39;Green River Killer&#39; Could Face New Murder Charge - AOL <b>News</b>

Related Searches: top 10 serial killers, green river murders, gary ridgeway, rebecca marrero 1982, capital punishment, the green river killer, green river cc auburn wa, crime news, crime reports, ...

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Fair &amp; Balanced? Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Big Year (VIDEOS) | TPM LiveWire

From lecturing President Barack Obama on racial sensitivity to inflating threats of terror, Fox News offered more than a few journalistic lessons this year. Fox's ratings continued to top the other major cable networks, while its news ...

Fox <b>News</b> - Ratings - 2010 | MSNBC - CNN | Mediaite

Fox News will mark 2010 as one of the best years since the network's launch in 1996. The network posted powerful ratings, beating the combined ratings of CNN and MSNBC and marking the ninth straight year as cable's top news network.

&#39;Green River Killer&#39; Could Face New Murder Charge - AOL <b>News</b>

Related Searches: top 10 serial killers, green river murders, gary ridgeway, rebecca marrero 1982, capital punishment, the green river killer, green river cc auburn wa, crime news, crime reports, ...

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Fair &amp; Balanced? Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Big Year (VIDEOS) | TPM LiveWire

From lecturing President Barack Obama on racial sensitivity to inflating threats of terror, Fox News offered more than a few journalistic lessons this year. Fox's ratings continued to top the other major cable networks, while its news ...

Fox <b>News</b> - Ratings - 2010 | MSNBC - CNN | Mediaite

Fox News will mark 2010 as one of the best years since the network's launch in 1996. The network posted powerful ratings, beating the combined ratings of CNN and MSNBC and marking the ninth straight year as cable's top news network.

&#39;Green River Killer&#39; Could Face New Murder Charge - AOL <b>News</b>

Related Searches: top 10 serial killers, green river murders, gary ridgeway, rebecca marrero 1982, capital punishment, the green river killer, green river cc auburn wa, crime news, crime reports, ...

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Fair &amp; Balanced? Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Big Year (VIDEOS) | TPM LiveWire

From lecturing President Barack Obama on racial sensitivity to inflating threats of terror, Fox News offered more than a few journalistic lessons this year. Fox's ratings continued to top the other major cable networks, while its news ...

Fox <b>News</b> - Ratings - 2010 | MSNBC - CNN | Mediaite

Fox News will mark 2010 as one of the best years since the network's launch in 1996. The network posted powerful ratings, beating the combined ratings of CNN and MSNBC and marking the ninth straight year as cable's top news network.

&#39;Green River Killer&#39; Could Face New Murder Charge - AOL <b>News</b>

Related Searches: top 10 serial killers, green river murders, gary ridgeway, rebecca marrero 1982, capital punishment, the green river killer, green river cc auburn wa, crime news, crime reports, ...

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Fair &amp; Balanced? Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Big Year (VIDEOS) | TPM LiveWire

From lecturing President Barack Obama on racial sensitivity to inflating threats of terror, Fox News offered more than a few journalistic lessons this year. Fox's ratings continued to top the other major cable networks, while its news ...

Fox <b>News</b> - Ratings - 2010 | MSNBC - CNN | Mediaite

Fox News will mark 2010 as one of the best years since the network's launch in 1996. The network posted powerful ratings, beating the combined ratings of CNN and MSNBC and marking the ninth straight year as cable's top news network.

&#39;Green River Killer&#39; Could Face New Murder Charge - AOL <b>News</b>

Related Searches: top 10 serial killers, green river murders, gary ridgeway, rebecca marrero 1982, capital punishment, the green river killer, green river cc auburn wa, crime news, crime reports, ...

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Fair &amp; Balanced? Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Big Year (VIDEOS) | TPM LiveWire

From lecturing President Barack Obama on racial sensitivity to inflating threats of terror, Fox News offered more than a few journalistic lessons this year. Fox's ratings continued to top the other major cable networks, while its news ...

Fox <b>News</b> - Ratings - 2010 | MSNBC - CNN | Mediaite

Fox News will mark 2010 as one of the best years since the network's launch in 1996. The network posted powerful ratings, beating the combined ratings of CNN and MSNBC and marking the ninth straight year as cable's top news network.

&#39;Green River Killer&#39; Could Face New Murder Charge - AOL <b>News</b>

Related Searches: top 10 serial killers, green river murders, gary ridgeway, rebecca marrero 1982, capital punishment, the green river killer, green river cc auburn wa, crime news, crime reports, ...

bench craft company scam

Fair &amp; Balanced? Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Big Year (VIDEOS) | TPM LiveWire

From lecturing President Barack Obama on racial sensitivity to inflating threats of terror, Fox News offered more than a few journalistic lessons this year. Fox's ratings continued to top the other major cable networks, while its news ...

Fox <b>News</b> - Ratings - 2010 | MSNBC - CNN | Mediaite

Fox News will mark 2010 as one of the best years since the network's launch in 1996. The network posted powerful ratings, beating the combined ratings of CNN and MSNBC and marking the ninth straight year as cable's top news network.

&#39;Green River Killer&#39; Could Face New Murder Charge - AOL <b>News</b>

Related Searches: top 10 serial killers, green river murders, gary ridgeway, rebecca marrero 1982, capital punishment, the green river killer, green river cc auburn wa, crime news, crime reports, ...

bench craft company scam

Fair &amp; Balanced? Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Big Year (VIDEOS) | TPM LiveWire

From lecturing President Barack Obama on racial sensitivity to inflating threats of terror, Fox News offered more than a few journalistic lessons this year. Fox's ratings continued to top the other major cable networks, while its news ...

Fox <b>News</b> - Ratings - 2010 | MSNBC - CNN | Mediaite

Fox News will mark 2010 as one of the best years since the network's launch in 1996. The network posted powerful ratings, beating the combined ratings of CNN and MSNBC and marking the ninth straight year as cable's top news network.

&#39;Green River Killer&#39; Could Face New Murder Charge - AOL <b>News</b>

Related Searches: top 10 serial killers, green river murders, gary ridgeway, rebecca marrero 1982, capital punishment, the green river killer, green river cc auburn wa, crime news, crime reports, ...

bench craft company scam

Fair &amp; Balanced? Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Big Year (VIDEOS) | TPM LiveWire

From lecturing President Barack Obama on racial sensitivity to inflating threats of terror, Fox News offered more than a few journalistic lessons this year. Fox's ratings continued to top the other major cable networks, while its news ...

Fox <b>News</b> - Ratings - 2010 | MSNBC - CNN | Mediaite

Fox News will mark 2010 as one of the best years since the network's launch in 1996. The network posted powerful ratings, beating the combined ratings of CNN and MSNBC and marking the ninth straight year as cable's top news network.

&#39;Green River Killer&#39; Could Face New Murder Charge - AOL <b>News</b>

Related Searches: top 10 serial killers, green river murders, gary ridgeway, rebecca marrero 1982, capital punishment, the green river killer, green river cc auburn wa, crime news, crime reports, ...

bench craft company scam

Thursday, December 23, 2010

foreclosure sales

I generally agree with yoru statement, all the tricks the FED did to print hosuing dollars are done now, now people have to bring real money, and that means wages. However I disagree with statement "businesses competing with foreign wages CANNOT pay higher wages to American workers". Businesses overpay their CEOs and upper management all the time (boards are made up of cronies, not directors working in best interest of stockowners) and big US businesses are generally making high profits and have record cash reserves. So businesses CAN afford to pay workers high wages, but rather, they simply WON'T because they do not have to (no laws, unions etc to force them) and the WON'T because unlike the waste of over-priced salaries at high-end of coroporate ladders, business are not so stupid and wasteful and low-end and they keep low and middle workers wages as low as they can or they outsource.

But just so you know in real world there is an alternative ( not one you will ever see in US due to our politics and people assumptions like yours) look at Germany. They are an exporting machine. Their companies are very competitive in world market AND their worker wages and benefits are much higher than US. They have higher horuly salaries, their workers get 6 weeks vacation from get go, etc.. Also, they are fairly heavily regulated, their companies are held to high safety standards, high worker fairness standards, and tough environmental standards and also their companies do a lot with expensive alternative energy.

So in my mind there are at least two ways to for a countries companies to be competitve on world market, China or Germany, the only option is NOT China and depressed wages and weak currency.

Again and again, I see smart people assuming we must just do a China to compete, low wages, weak currency, trash the environment, peel back regulations that keep workers safe and keep work place fair. Its like Germany's example does not enter our consciousness. No way we can have a strong social safety net, treat enviroment well, have a strong currency, pay workers well, regulate businesses to ensure fairness and still compete, pay not attention to Germany.

It may not be easy for US to replicate what is working for Germany, primarily simply because most in US media and culture has it so we don't even know it that at least one coutnry is already proven it is possible, but it is crazy not to at least look at what they are doing and see if maybe we could strive for something closer to them. Germany competes and grows and German workers benefit. Germans model is very good for the common wealth, and yet, all we can fixate on is China.

We see same phenomen in business. There are some companies that are very successful and treat their workers much better than average, while other companies see their only way to success is to treat low end workers as badly as possible and to overcompensate upper management. See simply Costco vs. Sam's club.

Stop self-limiting, we can be a globally competitive country and have a solid middle class and have clean air and water, safe workplaces. But we won't if we let crony upper management of US companies decide everything in their interest, because clearly, sh%^ting on workers and over-compensating themselves and their friends, corrupting our government for their purposes is what they will keep doing unless we fight for something better.

Per the order below (hat tip Matt Weidner) a judge in Broward County appears to have cancelled all foreclosure sales in one of the foreclosure division from December 20 to December 31:

Broward County Judicial Order Canceling Foreclosure Sales

One might think this has something to with the Fannie and Freddie foreclosure halts, with run from December 20 to January 3. But the GSEs have made similar suspensions before, indeed, sometimes from Thanksgiving to New Year, so this seems unlikely to be the trigger.

Moreover, this action, at least based on the account of Florida foreclosure procedures per Lisa Epstein of ForeclosureHamlet, could not impact evictions that were due to take place over the holidays. It turns out that there is usually a significant lapse between the foreclosure sale and the loss of possession. Via e-mail:

The sale doesn’t throw families out on the street, the certificate of title has to be issued (Palm Beach County is 4-6 weeks behind the sale dates at least) THEN a writ of possession must be obtained, then the sheriff has to execute the writ.

Even though the motivation for this order is not clear, it may nevertheless be significant. Many judges have taken the view that they have no latitude to act on behalf of defendants who do not contest their cases, and some have taken the unusual step of expressing concern that procedural abuses have risen to a level where they feel the need to take a more active role, yet are not certain whether they can do so. From the Palm Beach Post:

Palm Beach County Chief Judge Peter Blanc is trying to decide whether judges can take a more active role in examining foreclosure cases after a meltdown in Ally Financial’s foreclosure proceedings last week.

Blanc said Monday that there has been an increase in requests by lenders and loan servicers to cancel foreclosure sales and vacate judgments following the disclosure that Ally was freezing portions of its foreclosure operation in 23 states, including Florida.

While judges granted those requests, Blanc said he was concerned about cases in which defective foreclosure affidavits aren’t being brought to the court’s attention, possibly because the borrower has given up or walked away from the home.

Also, he’s unclear on whether the court should scrutinize past cases for flaws.

“It puts us in an untenable position because we can’t both investigate and decide,” Blanc said. “We are supposed to act on things brought to our attention, but if no one files anything, I’m not sure what will or should happen.”

Blanc said he was looking at case law regarding the duties and responsibilities of judges to see whether there is precedent for the current situation. But he said Florida’s foreclosure crisis has brought many unique challenges to the courts and there is likely little historical guidance.

In other words, judges are also struggling to figure out what to do with the mess created by rampant abuses in the securitization industry.

bench craft company scam

Ben Sherwood - ABC <b>News</b> | Attack Video | Mediaite

If a video posted to Vimeo is to be believed, there are some insiders at ABC News who don't really care very much for newly-named boss Ben Sherwood, described in the video as the Draco Malfoy of Broadcast News. The video--essentially a ...

<b>News</b> Conference by The President | The White House

News Conference by The President. South Court Auditorium, Eisenhower Executive Office Building. 4:16 P.M. EST. THE PRESIDENT: Hello, everybody. Good afternoon. I know everybody is itching to get out of here and spend some time with ...

New York Daily <b>News</b>: Johnny Damon&#39;s Return To Yankees &#39;Unlikely <b>...</b>

According to Newsday, the Yankees have had "multiple conversations" with Johnny Damon about returning to the Bronx. However, a conflicting report from the NY Daily News labels the potential signing as "unlikely."

bench craft company scam

Ben Sherwood - ABC <b>News</b> | Attack Video | Mediaite

If a video posted to Vimeo is to be believed, there are some insiders at ABC News who don't really care very much for newly-named boss Ben Sherwood, described in the video as the Draco Malfoy of Broadcast News. The video--essentially a ...

<b>News</b> Conference by The President | The White House

News Conference by The President. South Court Auditorium, Eisenhower Executive Office Building. 4:16 P.M. EST. THE PRESIDENT: Hello, everybody. Good afternoon. I know everybody is itching to get out of here and spend some time with ...

New York Daily <b>News</b>: Johnny Damon&#39;s Return To Yankees &#39;Unlikely <b>...</b>

According to Newsday, the Yankees have had "multiple conversations" with Johnny Damon about returning to the Bronx. However, a conflicting report from the NY Daily News labels the potential signing as "unlikely."

bench craft company scam

Ben Sherwood - ABC <b>News</b> | Attack Video | Mediaite

If a video posted to Vimeo is to be believed, there are some insiders at ABC News who don't really care very much for newly-named boss Ben Sherwood, described in the video as the Draco Malfoy of Broadcast News. The video--essentially a ...

<b>News</b> Conference by The President | The White House

News Conference by The President. South Court Auditorium, Eisenhower Executive Office Building. 4:16 P.M. EST. THE PRESIDENT: Hello, everybody. Good afternoon. I know everybody is itching to get out of here and spend some time with ...

New York Daily <b>News</b>: Johnny Damon&#39;s Return To Yankees &#39;Unlikely <b>...</b>

According to Newsday, the Yankees have had "multiple conversations" with Johnny Damon about returning to the Bronx. However, a conflicting report from the NY Daily News labels the potential signing as "unlikely."

bench craft company scam

Ben Sherwood - ABC <b>News</b> | Attack Video | Mediaite

If a video posted to Vimeo is to be believed, there are some insiders at ABC News who don't really care very much for newly-named boss Ben Sherwood, described in the video as the Draco Malfoy of Broadcast News. The video--essentially a ...

<b>News</b> Conference by The President | The White House

News Conference by The President. South Court Auditorium, Eisenhower Executive Office Building. 4:16 P.M. EST. THE PRESIDENT: Hello, everybody. Good afternoon. I know everybody is itching to get out of here and spend some time with ...

New York Daily <b>News</b>: Johnny Damon&#39;s Return To Yankees &#39;Unlikely <b>...</b>

According to Newsday, the Yankees have had "multiple conversations" with Johnny Damon about returning to the Bronx. However, a conflicting report from the NY Daily News labels the potential signing as "unlikely."

bench craft company scam

Ben Sherwood - ABC <b>News</b> | Attack Video | Mediaite

If a video posted to Vimeo is to be believed, there are some insiders at ABC News who don't really care very much for newly-named boss Ben Sherwood, described in the video as the Draco Malfoy of Broadcast News. The video--essentially a ...

<b>News</b> Conference by The President | The White House

News Conference by The President. South Court Auditorium, Eisenhower Executive Office Building. 4:16 P.M. EST. THE PRESIDENT: Hello, everybody. Good afternoon. I know everybody is itching to get out of here and spend some time with ...

New York Daily <b>News</b>: Johnny Damon&#39;s Return To Yankees &#39;Unlikely <b>...</b>

According to Newsday, the Yankees have had "multiple conversations" with Johnny Damon about returning to the Bronx. However, a conflicting report from the NY Daily News labels the potential signing as "unlikely."

bench craft company scam

Ben Sherwood - ABC <b>News</b> | Attack Video | Mediaite

If a video posted to Vimeo is to be believed, there are some insiders at ABC News who don't really care very much for newly-named boss Ben Sherwood, described in the video as the Draco Malfoy of Broadcast News. The video--essentially a ...

<b>News</b> Conference by The President | The White House

News Conference by The President. South Court Auditorium, Eisenhower Executive Office Building. 4:16 P.M. EST. THE PRESIDENT: Hello, everybody. Good afternoon. I know everybody is itching to get out of here and spend some time with ...

New York Daily <b>News</b>: Johnny Damon&#39;s Return To Yankees &#39;Unlikely <b>...</b>

According to Newsday, the Yankees have had "multiple conversations" with Johnny Damon about returning to the Bronx. However, a conflicting report from the NY Daily News labels the potential signing as "unlikely."

bench craft company scam

Ben Sherwood - ABC <b>News</b> | Attack Video | Mediaite

If a video posted to Vimeo is to be believed, there are some insiders at ABC News who don't really care very much for newly-named boss Ben Sherwood, described in the video as the Draco Malfoy of Broadcast News. The video--essentially a ...

<b>News</b> Conference by The President | The White House

News Conference by The President. South Court Auditorium, Eisenhower Executive Office Building. 4:16 P.M. EST. THE PRESIDENT: Hello, everybody. Good afternoon. I know everybody is itching to get out of here and spend some time with ...

New York Daily <b>News</b>: Johnny Damon&#39;s Return To Yankees &#39;Unlikely <b>...</b>

According to Newsday, the Yankees have had "multiple conversations" with Johnny Damon about returning to the Bronx. However, a conflicting report from the NY Daily News labels the potential signing as "unlikely."

bench craft company scam

Ben Sherwood - ABC <b>News</b> | Attack Video | Mediaite

If a video posted to Vimeo is to be believed, there are some insiders at ABC News who don't really care very much for newly-named boss Ben Sherwood, described in the video as the Draco Malfoy of Broadcast News. The video--essentially a ...

<b>News</b> Conference by The President | The White House

News Conference by The President. South Court Auditorium, Eisenhower Executive Office Building. 4:16 P.M. EST. THE PRESIDENT: Hello, everybody. Good afternoon. I know everybody is itching to get out of here and spend some time with ...

New York Daily <b>News</b>: Johnny Damon&#39;s Return To Yankees &#39;Unlikely <b>...</b>

According to Newsday, the Yankees have had "multiple conversations" with Johnny Damon about returning to the Bronx. However, a conflicting report from the NY Daily News labels the potential signing as "unlikely."

bench craft company scam

Ben Sherwood - ABC <b>News</b> | Attack Video | Mediaite

If a video posted to Vimeo is to be believed, there are some insiders at ABC News who don't really care very much for newly-named boss Ben Sherwood, described in the video as the Draco Malfoy of Broadcast News. The video--essentially a ...

<b>News</b> Conference by The President | The White House

News Conference by The President. South Court Auditorium, Eisenhower Executive Office Building. 4:16 P.M. EST. THE PRESIDENT: Hello, everybody. Good afternoon. I know everybody is itching to get out of here and spend some time with ...

New York Daily <b>News</b>: Johnny Damon&#39;s Return To Yankees &#39;Unlikely <b>...</b>

According to Newsday, the Yankees have had "multiple conversations" with Johnny Damon about returning to the Bronx. However, a conflicting report from the NY Daily News labels the potential signing as "unlikely."

bench craft company scam

Ben Sherwood - ABC <b>News</b> | Attack Video | Mediaite

If a video posted to Vimeo is to be believed, there are some insiders at ABC News who don't really care very much for newly-named boss Ben Sherwood, described in the video as the Draco Malfoy of Broadcast News. The video--essentially a ...

<b>News</b> Conference by The President | The White House

News Conference by The President. South Court Auditorium, Eisenhower Executive Office Building. 4:16 P.M. EST. THE PRESIDENT: Hello, everybody. Good afternoon. I know everybody is itching to get out of here and spend some time with ...

New York Daily <b>News</b>: Johnny Damon&#39;s Return To Yankees &#39;Unlikely <b>...</b>

According to Newsday, the Yankees have had "multiple conversations" with Johnny Damon about returning to the Bronx. However, a conflicting report from the NY Daily News labels the potential signing as "unlikely."

bench craft company scam

Ben Sherwood - ABC <b>News</b> | Attack Video | Mediaite

If a video posted to Vimeo is to be believed, there are some insiders at ABC News who don't really care very much for newly-named boss Ben Sherwood, described in the video as the Draco Malfoy of Broadcast News. The video--essentially a ...

<b>News</b> Conference by The President | The White House

News Conference by The President. South Court Auditorium, Eisenhower Executive Office Building. 4:16 P.M. EST. THE PRESIDENT: Hello, everybody. Good afternoon. I know everybody is itching to get out of here and spend some time with ...

New York Daily <b>News</b>: Johnny Damon&#39;s Return To Yankees &#39;Unlikely <b>...</b>

According to Newsday, the Yankees have had "multiple conversations" with Johnny Damon about returning to the Bronx. However, a conflicting report from the NY Daily News labels the potential signing as "unlikely."

bench craft company scam

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

managing your personal finance

Automate Your Finances to Spend Less Time Managing Your Accounts

Despite how simple the process can be, most of us are terrible at saving and paying bills. Here's a strategy to effectively automate most of your finances to keep you saving and out of late fee trouble.

Ramit Sethi of I Will Teach You To Be has put together a system for managing your personal finances that only takes about an hour of your time each week. The video above fully explains the process in detail, but here's the gist. First, you want to set up your bills and other payments so they're all happening on the day you get your first paycheck of the month (the first of the month for most people). Once you have that in place, you want to set up automatic savings plans (Sethi suggests using Ing Direct) with sub-savings accounts that let you organize your savings into specific categories (vacation, wedding, etc.). You'll also want to send a percentage of your paycheck to your 401k, and have all of this happen immediately so that the money you see when you get paid is the money left when everything has already been saved. From there, you automatically pay as many bills as you can with your credit card (and then pay the credit card bill on pay day). For the bills you can't pay with your credit card (like rent, in most cases), you can use your online banking to automatically issue a check. This will leave a little money leftover in your checking account that you can use to budget for guilt-free spending and cash withdrawals.

As someone who's often fallen victim to the faults of automatic payments systems (despite frequently using them), definitely do not forget to stay on top of your bills nonetheless. Make sure you set some time aside at least once a month to do a little maintenance and make sure there are no bugs causing your automated finance system to break down. Sethi isn't suggesting a set-it-and-forget-it automated finance system by any means, but as someone who hates paying bills I know how easy it can be to procrastinate and ignore the task. If you set up a good automated system like this one, you'll be at a point where all you have to do is watch and fix the occasional problem as the most important things are being taken care of for you.

Consumerist Budget Spreadsheet Balances Your Money, Encourages Your Nest Egg

The saving-savvy folks at The Consumerist blog have put together a template Excel spreadsheet for managing personal finances. It's the kind of thing you always say you're going to do, but they went ahead and did it for you, and it's free.

It's not a new thing, but Consumerist's budget spreadsheet, crafted during the days the site was one of our blog network brethren, has come back, after being lost to the vagaries of server maintenance. The site has instructions on setting it up, including tips on thinking through your monthly expenses and advice on how much you should plan on socking away for a rainy day, retirement, and other expenses.

Maybe you use Mint or another automated spending/saving tracker instead—but then again, maybe those tools are so automatic that you don't get a good look at your real money situation.

bench craft company scam

CBS <b>News</b> airs fake, typo-ridden cover of Bush&#39;s &#39;Decision Points <b>...</b>

During a Sunday book special, CBS News aired a misspelled, mocking cover of Bush's memoir Decision Points.

WikiLeaks documents leaked again : Views and <b>News</b> from Norway

“I have no comment on how we secured access to the documents,” Aftenposten's news editor Ole Erik Almlid told DN. “We never reveal our sources, not in this case either.” DN also reported that WikiLeaks spokesman Kristinn Hrafnsson had ...

Bad <b>news</b> from freed detainee: The Jews used witchcraft on me at <b>...</b>

Bad news from freed detainee: The Jews used witchcraft on me at Gitmo.

bench craft company scam

CBS <b>News</b> airs fake, typo-ridden cover of Bush&#39;s &#39;Decision Points <b>...</b>

During a Sunday book special, CBS News aired a misspelled, mocking cover of Bush's memoir Decision Points.

WikiLeaks documents leaked again : Views and <b>News</b> from Norway

“I have no comment on how we secured access to the documents,” Aftenposten's news editor Ole Erik Almlid told DN. “We never reveal our sources, not in this case either.” DN also reported that WikiLeaks spokesman Kristinn Hrafnsson had ...

Bad <b>news</b> from freed detainee: The Jews used witchcraft on me at <b>...</b>

Bad news from freed detainee: The Jews used witchcraft on me at Gitmo.

bench craft company scam

CBS <b>News</b> airs fake, typo-ridden cover of Bush&#39;s &#39;Decision Points <b>...</b>

During a Sunday book special, CBS News aired a misspelled, mocking cover of Bush's memoir Decision Points.

WikiLeaks documents leaked again : Views and <b>News</b> from Norway

“I have no comment on how we secured access to the documents,” Aftenposten's news editor Ole Erik Almlid told DN. “We never reveal our sources, not in this case either.” DN also reported that WikiLeaks spokesman Kristinn Hrafnsson had ...

Bad <b>news</b> from freed detainee: The Jews used witchcraft on me at <b>...</b>

Bad news from freed detainee: The Jews used witchcraft on me at Gitmo.

bench craft company scam

CBS <b>News</b> airs fake, typo-ridden cover of Bush&#39;s &#39;Decision Points <b>...</b>

During a Sunday book special, CBS News aired a misspelled, mocking cover of Bush's memoir Decision Points.

WikiLeaks documents leaked again : Views and <b>News</b> from Norway

“I have no comment on how we secured access to the documents,” Aftenposten's news editor Ole Erik Almlid told DN. “We never reveal our sources, not in this case either.” DN also reported that WikiLeaks spokesman Kristinn Hrafnsson had ...

Bad <b>news</b> from freed detainee: The Jews used witchcraft on me at <b>...</b>

Bad news from freed detainee: The Jews used witchcraft on me at Gitmo.

bench craft company scam

CBS <b>News</b> airs fake, typo-ridden cover of Bush&#39;s &#39;Decision Points <b>...</b>

During a Sunday book special, CBS News aired a misspelled, mocking cover of Bush's memoir Decision Points.

WikiLeaks documents leaked again : Views and <b>News</b> from Norway

“I have no comment on how we secured access to the documents,” Aftenposten's news editor Ole Erik Almlid told DN. “We never reveal our sources, not in this case either.” DN also reported that WikiLeaks spokesman Kristinn Hrafnsson had ...

Bad <b>news</b> from freed detainee: The Jews used witchcraft on me at <b>...</b>

Bad news from freed detainee: The Jews used witchcraft on me at Gitmo.

bench craft company scam

CBS <b>News</b> airs fake, typo-ridden cover of Bush&#39;s &#39;Decision Points <b>...</b>

During a Sunday book special, CBS News aired a misspelled, mocking cover of Bush's memoir Decision Points.

WikiLeaks documents leaked again : Views and <b>News</b> from Norway

“I have no comment on how we secured access to the documents,” Aftenposten's news editor Ole Erik Almlid told DN. “We never reveal our sources, not in this case either.” DN also reported that WikiLeaks spokesman Kristinn Hrafnsson had ...

Bad <b>news</b> from freed detainee: The Jews used witchcraft on me at <b>...</b>

Bad news from freed detainee: The Jews used witchcraft on me at Gitmo.

bench craft company scam

CBS <b>News</b> airs fake, typo-ridden cover of Bush&#39;s &#39;Decision Points <b>...</b>

During a Sunday book special, CBS News aired a misspelled, mocking cover of Bush's memoir Decision Points.

WikiLeaks documents leaked again : Views and <b>News</b> from Norway

“I have no comment on how we secured access to the documents,” Aftenposten's news editor Ole Erik Almlid told DN. “We never reveal our sources, not in this case either.” DN also reported that WikiLeaks spokesman Kristinn Hrafnsson had ...

Bad <b>news</b> from freed detainee: The Jews used witchcraft on me at <b>...</b>

Bad news from freed detainee: The Jews used witchcraft on me at Gitmo.

bench craft company scam

CBS <b>News</b> airs fake, typo-ridden cover of Bush&#39;s &#39;Decision Points <b>...</b>

During a Sunday book special, CBS News aired a misspelled, mocking cover of Bush's memoir Decision Points.

WikiLeaks documents leaked again : Views and <b>News</b> from Norway

“I have no comment on how we secured access to the documents,” Aftenposten's news editor Ole Erik Almlid told DN. “We never reveal our sources, not in this case either.” DN also reported that WikiLeaks spokesman Kristinn Hrafnsson had ...

Bad <b>news</b> from freed detainee: The Jews used witchcraft on me at <b>...</b>

Bad news from freed detainee: The Jews used witchcraft on me at Gitmo.

bench craft company scam

CBS <b>News</b> airs fake, typo-ridden cover of Bush&#39;s &#39;Decision Points <b>...</b>

During a Sunday book special, CBS News aired a misspelled, mocking cover of Bush's memoir Decision Points.

WikiLeaks documents leaked again : Views and <b>News</b> from Norway

“I have no comment on how we secured access to the documents,” Aftenposten's news editor Ole Erik Almlid told DN. “We never reveal our sources, not in this case either.” DN also reported that WikiLeaks spokesman Kristinn Hrafnsson had ...

Bad <b>news</b> from freed detainee: The Jews used witchcraft on me at <b>...</b>

Bad news from freed detainee: The Jews used witchcraft on me at Gitmo.

bench craft company scam

CBS <b>News</b> airs fake, typo-ridden cover of Bush&#39;s &#39;Decision Points <b>...</b>

During a Sunday book special, CBS News aired a misspelled, mocking cover of Bush's memoir Decision Points.

WikiLeaks documents leaked again : Views and <b>News</b> from Norway

“I have no comment on how we secured access to the documents,” Aftenposten's news editor Ole Erik Almlid told DN. “We never reveal our sources, not in this case either.” DN also reported that WikiLeaks spokesman Kristinn Hrafnsson had ...

Bad <b>news</b> from freed detainee: The Jews used witchcraft on me at <b>...</b>

Bad news from freed detainee: The Jews used witchcraft on me at Gitmo.

bench craft company scam

CBS <b>News</b> airs fake, typo-ridden cover of Bush&#39;s &#39;Decision Points <b>...</b>

During a Sunday book special, CBS News aired a misspelled, mocking cover of Bush's memoir Decision Points.

WikiLeaks documents leaked again : Views and <b>News</b> from Norway

“I have no comment on how we secured access to the documents,” Aftenposten's news editor Ole Erik Almlid told DN. “We never reveal our sources, not in this case either.” DN also reported that WikiLeaks spokesman Kristinn Hrafnsson had ...

Bad <b>news</b> from freed detainee: The Jews used witchcraft on me at <b>...</b>

Bad news from freed detainee: The Jews used witchcraft on me at Gitmo.

bench craft company scam

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Companies Making Money

You wanna know what the mother of all bubbles was? Us. The human race.”

That’s Gordon Gekko in the distinctly-mediocre Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps.

This weekend brought a rush of stories about a “bubble” that may or may not be re-inflating in Silicon Valley. The New York Times kicked it off, venture capitalist Fred Wilson (who is featured prominently in the story) quickly responded, and then Newsweek weighed in just to make sure the “Bubble 2.0″ moniker was secure. Uh oh, right? Not so fast.

One giant nugget of information in the NYT piece (co-written by TechCrunch alum Evelyn Rusli) is a bit buried:

For starters, this is not a stock market bubble. None of the companies are publicly traded.

In other words, if this “bubble” were to pop, it wouldn’t be the mothers and fathers of the world hoping to put their children through school who would be getting screwed. It would be the private investors. It would be a handful of (mostly) rich people who would be out of some of their money.

I suppose the employees of the collapsing startups could also be screwed somewhat. But they’d undoubtedly find work again quickly. And the founders would start new companies. Just like after the first bubble.

Business Insider has a good rundown of the actually public tech companies — you know, the kind mom and pop can and do actually invest in. The consensus there? Pretty wonderful, actually. Not over-the-top outrageous, just very solid for the most part.

Now, that doesn’t mean a “Bubble 2.0″ couldn’t pop and adversely affect the overall ecosystem. In fact, I’m sure it would to some extent, mainly because less money coming in would mean less innovation across the board. But it wouldn’t cause everything to collapse.

We all just lived through a very real bubble. The housing bubble. The results of it popping almost completely brought down not only our own economy, but much of the world’s economy as well. Real people lost their life savings. People went to jail. More people should have been locked up forever. It’s almost insulting to mention this supposed new web bubble in the same breath as that.

Again, this “Bubble 2.0″, if it does exist, is mainly just troublesome for investors. Smaller angel investors, in particular, are getting squeezed out of deals because early stage valuations are getting ridiculously high in some cases.

Undoubtedly it’s true that some of those startups should not be accepting so much money at such valuations, but that’s on them. If they fail, it will be a lesson to other startups. Maybe the motto is: go big and go home (at least in the early stage).

Another underlying current here is that many private investors aren’t comfortable with the state of the startup ecosystem. And yet many of them continue to do deals that they may not be comfortable with. Again, that’s on them. They’re all doing due diligence. If they don’t think a deal is worth it, they obviously shouldn’t do it. But some don’t seem to be able to turn down their name being attached to a high-profile investment — even if projections have it panning out to be a 2x exit. (The horror!)

Maybe some of them would actually be more comfortable investing in what Wilson calls “The Mess“. That is, startups in their awkward years. They’re neither new and sexy nor mature and money-making. Not surprisingly, no one seems to want to invest in those, besides current investors. But maybe those are where some deals are to be found.

In the press, there are two kinds of sexy stories to write: over-exuberance and death. We just got done with a week’s worth of over–exuberance surrounding the Google/Groupon deal. Holy shit, $6 billion dollars for a company that has only really been at it for a little over a year? That’s awesome! Let the good times roll.

The deal ultimately fell apart and in came the death stories. There needs to be balance in the world, after all. We know this just as well as anyone. The $6 billion Groupon deal made web investing as hot as the sun for a few days. And now it’s a bubble.

But wait. “Bubble 2.0″ has existed before. Here it is in 2005 — with Wilson worrying about some of the same things he’s still worried about. And here it is again in 2007 — with John Dvorak worrying that social media among other things would pop the bubble. And wasn’t it for sure a bubble later that year when Microsoft invested in Facebook at a $15 billion valuation? I was sure I heard that over and over and over again. Turns out, that was a pretty damn awesome investment, strategic or not.

There are dozens of other examples as well.

So maybe this is actually “Bubble 4.0″ or “Bubble 5.0″. Or maybe it’s not a big bubble at all. After all, if it pops and gum gets over only a few faces, will anyone do anything other than point and laugh, then go on with their lives?

[image: 20th Century Fox]

The New Yorker's Nick Paumgarten had a tough time securing an interview with Nintendo's resident genius, Shigeru Miyamoto. Here's why:

The corporate ethos in Japan, and especially at Nintendo, is self-effacing; the humility that has kept Miyamoto at the company for three decades, rather than in, say, Silicon Valley, seeking his billions, also governs the apportionment of credit. Miyamoto has been a superstar in the gaming world for more than two decades, but neither he nor the company seems inclined to exploit his stardom. They contend that the development of a game or a game console is a collaborative effort — that it is indecorous to single out any one contributor, to the exclusion of the others.

Japan also has very low CEO pay. When we talk about inequality, and income inequality, we don't talk enough about social norms, perhaps because they present questions we don't really have answers to.

So let's talk about them a bit. The argument that holds among American elites -- in part because there's some evidence to support it, and in part because it's good for them to believe it -- is that it's inefficient for rich people to make less money, because that will reduce their incentives to employ people and create things, and that will end up making all of us worse off. The same argument is applied to taxing the money they make, of course.

The argument that appears to hold in Japan is that it's indecent for rich people to make too much money because, after all, these are collaborative endeavors. And so they don't make that much money, and they appear to be okay with that. America was also closer to this philosophy 50 years ago. In 1969, for instance, the average CEO made 26 times what the average worker made. Today, it's closer to 500 times.

Perhaps there's evidence that Japanese corporations endure much worse management than American corporations, but that's not my understanding. Rather, I wonder if the social beliefs may actually be self-fulfilling. Miyamoto isn't pissed off because Nintendo won't give him more money. The CEO of Toyota isn't furious about his pay package. But if they subscribed to the American ethos, those things would bother them, and they'd either leave their companies or retire earlier or work less hard.

I think the answer an American economist might give to this is that it'd be good if Miyamoto had gone to Silicon Valley to seek his billions, but that gets harder to prove if you imagine an equilibrium in which the best people aren't going to Silicon Valley. The Wii was pretty innovative. But that's neither here nor there: The main point is that once you've let the social norms out of the bottle, it's not clear how you get them back in. And if you can't get them back in, it's hard to imagine imposing policy that'll get you back there anyway. In other words, the norms account for the policies on pay, not the other way around.

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ISLAMABAD: With 13 agreements already signed, Pakistan and China were expected to ink additional economic deals worth billions more Saturday, the second day.

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To: Roger Ailes, CEO Re: 9/11 first responders Roger: In a rare instance of broadcast sanity, two of your anchors have come out and condemned the Senate Republicans for voting down health care for the 9/11 heroes.

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A study of news coverage released Friday by found that "substantial levels of misinformation" seeped out to the electorate of the United States at the time of the midterm elections this year.

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ISLAMABAD: With 13 agreements already signed, Pakistan and China were expected to ink additional economic deals worth billions more Saturday, the second day.

Memo To Fox <b>News</b>: Support The 9-11 First Responders - Rick Ungar <b>...</b>

To: Roger Ailes, CEO Re: 9/11 first responders Roger: In a rare instance of broadcast sanity, two of your anchors have come out and condemned the Senate Republicans for voting down health care for the 9/11 heroes.

Study: Some Viewers Were Misinformed by TV <b>News</b> -

A study of news coverage released Friday by found that "substantial levels of misinformation" seeped out to the electorate of the United States at the time of the midterm elections this year.

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ISLAMABAD: With 13 agreements already signed, Pakistan and China were expected to ink additional economic deals worth billions more Saturday, the second day.

Memo To Fox <b>News</b>: Support The 9-11 First Responders - Rick Ungar <b>...</b>

To: Roger Ailes, CEO Re: 9/11 first responders Roger: In a rare instance of broadcast sanity, two of your anchors have come out and condemned the Senate Republicans for voting down health care for the 9/11 heroes.

Study: Some Viewers Were Misinformed by TV <b>News</b> -

A study of news coverage released Friday by found that "substantial levels of misinformation" seeped out to the electorate of the United States at the time of the midterm elections this year.

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Latest Pakistani <b>News</b>, Breaking <b>News</b>, China, Pakistan ink trade <b>...</b>

ISLAMABAD: With 13 agreements already signed, Pakistan and China were expected to ink additional economic deals worth billions more Saturday, the second day.

Memo To Fox <b>News</b>: Support The 9-11 First Responders - Rick Ungar <b>...</b>

To: Roger Ailes, CEO Re: 9/11 first responders Roger: In a rare instance of broadcast sanity, two of your anchors have come out and condemned the Senate Republicans for voting down health care for the 9/11 heroes.

Study: Some Viewers Were Misinformed by TV <b>News</b> -

A study of news coverage released Friday by found that "substantial levels of misinformation" seeped out to the electorate of the United States at the time of the midterm elections this year.

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Latest Pakistani <b>News</b>, Breaking <b>News</b>, China, Pakistan ink trade <b>...</b>

ISLAMABAD: With 13 agreements already signed, Pakistan and China were expected to ink additional economic deals worth billions more Saturday, the second day.

Memo To Fox <b>News</b>: Support The 9-11 First Responders - Rick Ungar <b>...</b>

To: Roger Ailes, CEO Re: 9/11 first responders Roger: In a rare instance of broadcast sanity, two of your anchors have come out and condemned the Senate Republicans for voting down health care for the 9/11 heroes.

Study: Some Viewers Were Misinformed by TV <b>News</b> -

A study of news coverage released Friday by found that "substantial levels of misinformation" seeped out to the electorate of the United States at the time of the midterm elections this year.

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Latest Pakistani <b>News</b>, Breaking <b>News</b>, China, Pakistan ink trade <b>...</b>

ISLAMABAD: With 13 agreements already signed, Pakistan and China were expected to ink additional economic deals worth billions more Saturday, the second day.

Memo To Fox <b>News</b>: Support The 9-11 First Responders - Rick Ungar <b>...</b>

To: Roger Ailes, CEO Re: 9/11 first responders Roger: In a rare instance of broadcast sanity, two of your anchors have come out and condemned the Senate Republicans for voting down health care for the 9/11 heroes.

Study: Some Viewers Were Misinformed by TV <b>News</b> -

A study of news coverage released Friday by found that "substantial levels of misinformation" seeped out to the electorate of the United States at the time of the midterm elections this year.

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Latest Pakistani <b>News</b>, Breaking <b>News</b>, China, Pakistan ink trade <b>...</b>

ISLAMABAD: With 13 agreements already signed, Pakistan and China were expected to ink additional economic deals worth billions more Saturday, the second day.

Memo To Fox <b>News</b>: Support The 9-11 First Responders - Rick Ungar <b>...</b>

To: Roger Ailes, CEO Re: 9/11 first responders Roger: In a rare instance of broadcast sanity, two of your anchors have come out and condemned the Senate Republicans for voting down health care for the 9/11 heroes.

Study: Some Viewers Were Misinformed by TV <b>News</b> -

A study of news coverage released Friday by found that "substantial levels of misinformation" seeped out to the electorate of the United States at the time of the midterm elections this year.

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Latest Pakistani <b>News</b>, Breaking <b>News</b>, China, Pakistan ink trade <b>...</b>

ISLAMABAD: With 13 agreements already signed, Pakistan and China were expected to ink additional economic deals worth billions more Saturday, the second day.

Memo To Fox <b>News</b>: Support The 9-11 First Responders - Rick Ungar <b>...</b>

To: Roger Ailes, CEO Re: 9/11 first responders Roger: In a rare instance of broadcast sanity, two of your anchors have come out and condemned the Senate Republicans for voting down health care for the 9/11 heroes.

Study: Some Viewers Were Misinformed by TV <b>News</b> -

A study of news coverage released Friday by found that "substantial levels of misinformation" seeped out to the electorate of the United States at the time of the midterm elections this year.

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Latest Pakistani <b>News</b>, Breaking <b>News</b>, China, Pakistan ink trade <b>...</b>

ISLAMABAD: With 13 agreements already signed, Pakistan and China were expected to ink additional economic deals worth billions more Saturday, the second day.

Memo To Fox <b>News</b>: Support The 9-11 First Responders - Rick Ungar <b>...</b>

To: Roger Ailes, CEO Re: 9/11 first responders Roger: In a rare instance of broadcast sanity, two of your anchors have come out and condemned the Senate Republicans for voting down health care for the 9/11 heroes.

Study: Some Viewers Were Misinformed by TV <b>News</b> -

A study of news coverage released Friday by found that "substantial levels of misinformation" seeped out to the electorate of the United States at the time of the midterm elections this year.

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Latest Pakistani <b>News</b>, Breaking <b>News</b>, China, Pakistan ink trade <b>...</b>

ISLAMABAD: With 13 agreements already signed, Pakistan and China were expected to ink additional economic deals worth billions more Saturday, the second day.

Memo To Fox <b>News</b>: Support The 9-11 First Responders - Rick Ungar <b>...</b>

To: Roger Ailes, CEO Re: 9/11 first responders Roger: In a rare instance of broadcast sanity, two of your anchors have come out and condemned the Senate Republicans for voting down health care for the 9/11 heroes.

Study: Some Viewers Were Misinformed by TV <b>News</b> -

A study of news coverage released Friday by found that "substantial levels of misinformation" seeped out to the electorate of the United States at the time of the midterm elections this year.

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Latest Pakistani <b>News</b>, Breaking <b>News</b>, China, Pakistan ink trade <b>...</b>

ISLAMABAD: With 13 agreements already signed, Pakistan and China were expected to ink additional economic deals worth billions more Saturday, the second day.

Memo To Fox <b>News</b>: Support The 9-11 First Responders - Rick Ungar <b>...</b>

To: Roger Ailes, CEO Re: 9/11 first responders Roger: In a rare instance of broadcast sanity, two of your anchors have come out and condemned the Senate Republicans for voting down health care for the 9/11 heroes.

Study: Some Viewers Were Misinformed by TV <b>News</b> -

A study of news coverage released Friday by found that "substantial levels of misinformation" seeped out to the electorate of the United States at the time of the midterm elections this year.

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